
Starting a new program from scratch is the most difficult thing about programming. Even with a very good documented programming manual the first application is the most difficult. That is why some commonly used functions that have been tested over the years are put in this snippets section. The snippets are ANSI C snippets. Also the functions from the Opticon C-Library are clickable to get more information about the specific function. The functions in this snippets section have all a small example on how to use the functions. All sources are also included.

Database functions
Database files can be used to store and process barcode data
Creating a perfectly working database with all its required functions for adding, reading, deleting and searching of records is always a very time consuming process. Therefore this section all sorts of functions needed to add a complete barcode database implementation into your application.
String functions
This section contains general functions, which are quite often used in applications for managing strings. The supplied functions show how to remove specific leading and trailing characters from a string and also show howto center a string for displaying purposes.
This section contains general functions, which are quite often used in application, like the calculation of the current day of the week or the week number. In the future more functions will be added to this section.