Package-level declarations


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data class BarcodeData(    val data: String,     val dataBytes: ByteArray,     val quantity: Int,     val symbologyId: Int,     val symbology: String,     val timeOfScan: String,     val deviceId: String)

This class holds detailed information about a scanned barcode, including:

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abstract class BaseCommand(    val code: String,     val parameters: List<String> = emptyList(),     val sendFeedback: Boolean = true,     val ledFeedback: Boolean? = null,     val buzzerFeedback: Boolean? = null,     val vibrationFeedback: Boolean? = null)

Abstract class representing a base command for the scanner.

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data class BatteryLevelStatus(    val isBatteryPresent: Boolean,     val isWirelessCharging: Boolean,     val isWiredCharging: Boolean,     val isCharging: Boolean,     val isBatteryFaulty: Boolean,     val percentage: Int)
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data class BleDiscoveredDevice(val name: String, val deviceId: String, val rssi: Int, val timeStamp: Date, val connectionPoolId: String)

A class representing a BLE device discovered during scanning.

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data class CommandData(var command: String, var parameters: MutableList<String> = mutableListOf())

Represents a command and its associated parameters for scanner settings.

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class CommandResponse(val response: String, val succeeded: Boolean)

A class representing the response of a command sent to a device.

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data class DeviceInfo(val deviceId: String, val macAddress: String, val serialNumber: String, val localName: String, val firmwareVersion: String)

A class representing basic information about a connected Opticon BLE scanner.

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data class LEDColor(val red: Int, val green: Int, val blue: Int)

A class representing the RGB color values for the LED.

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class ScannerCommand(    val code: String,     val parameters: List<String> = emptyList(),     val sendFeedback: Boolean = true,     val ledFeedback: Boolean? = null,     val buzzerFeedback: Boolean? = null,     val vibrationFeedback: Boolean? = null) : BaseCommand

Class representing a specific scanner command, inheriting from BaseCommand.