
Description APPLOAD
Loads operating systems (OS) and applications on terminals, barcode readers (and cradles).
Supported hardware Appload supports the following hardware models:
Hardware model OS Application
OPH1004 & H13 XBCVxxxx.HEX XFCxxxxx.HEX
OPH1005 XBPVxxxx.HEX XFPxxxxx.HEX
OPH3000 XBMVxxxx.HEX XFMxxxxx.HEX
OPH3001 XBSVxxxx.HEX XFSxxxxx.HEX
OPL2724 LBQVxxxx.S32 -
OPL9712 LBOVxxxx.S32 LFBxxxxx.S32
OPL9713 LBPVxxxx.S32 LFBxxxxx.S32
OPL9723 LBBVxxxx.S32 LFBxxxxx.S32
OPL9723R LBRVxxxx.S32 LFBxxxxx.S32
OPL9724 LBCVxxxx.S32 LFBxxxxx.S32
OPL9725 LBBVxxxx.S32 LFBxxxxx.S32
OPL9726 LBBVxxxx.S32 LFBxxxxx.S32
OPL9727 LBBVxxxx.S32 LFBxxxxx.S32
OPL9728 LBDVxxxx.S32 LFBxxxxx.S32
OPL9813 XBNVxxxx.HEX XFNxxxxx.HEX
OPL9815 XBOVxxxx.HEX XFOxxxxx.HEX
OPN2002 RBGVxxxx.HEX RFGxxxxx.HEX
OPN2003 RBFVxxxx.HEX RFFxxxxx.HEX
OPN2004 RBIVxxxx.HEX RFIxxxxx.HEX
OPN2005 RBLVxxxx.HEX RFLxxxxx.HEX
OPN2006 RBNVxxxx.HEX RFNxxxxx.HEX
PX20 RBMVxxxx.HEX RFMxxxxx.HEX
RS3000 RBZVxxxx.HEX RFZxxxxx.HEX
PX35 XBFVxxxx.HEX XFFxxxxx.HEX
OPN-2500* FBNVxxxx.bin FFNxxxxx.bin
OPN-6000* FBMVxxxx.bin FFMxxxxx.bin

* Always loads a combined Bootloader, OS and Application file

Options Description of the available options:
File Description
Download Here you select the application or OS to download to the selected terminal. Downloading starts immediatly after selecting the file.
Download again Downloading the previously selected OS or application again.
Exit Quit the appload application.

Utilities Description
Show RS232 data Open terminal window to test communication with terminal.
Show software versions Appload tries to make contact to terminal to get the OS version and ROM version of the terminal.
Send time Change the terminal current time to the PC current time.

Settings Description
Port The current used serial COM port for communication.
IrDA adapter Used when a serial adapter is connected to the PC or used with some autobaud mode cradles.
Initial directory The initial directory when selecting a new application or OS.

About Description
About Shows the current version of appload.