
Availability All terminals
Description This function returns whether a alarm is set.
Syntax int IsAlarmOn( void );
Arguments None
0 The alarm is not set
1 The alarm is set
  • After the alarm has occured, the alarm is cleared, so IsAlarmOn returns FALSE.
  • If the alarm occurs during power off state, the alarm will boot device from power off state
  • If the alarm occurs during power down (sleep) state, the alarm will wake-up from sleep
  • Example
    // The following example demonstrates the use of SetAlarm() function.
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include "lib.h"
    void main( void )
        struct time at = {0};
        bool alarmOn = false;
        AutoPowerDown(ON, 2*50); // 2 seconds
        AutoPowerDown(APD_SHUTDOWN_ON, 60*50);  // Alarm will boot device from off state
        // AutoPowerDown(APD_SHUTDOWN_OFF, 0);  // Alarm will wake-up device from sleep
        Sound(TSTANDARD, VHIGH, SLOW, SMEDIUM, SHIGH, SLOW, SMEDIUM, SHIGH, 0); // 6 tones: Start-up beep
            if(getchar() != EOF)
                GoodReadLed(GREEN_FLASH, 0);
                at.ti_min = (at.ti_min+2) % 60; // Set alarm 2 minutes in the future
                at.ti_hour += (at.ti_min < 2) ? 1 : 0;
                SetAlarm(&at, ON);
                alarmOn = true;
                Sound(TSTANDARD, VHIGH, SMEDIUM, SHIGH, 0); // 2 tones: alarm set
                printf("\rALARM SET\r%02d:%02d\rwaiting...", at.ti_hour, at.ti_min);
            // Check to see if terminal is woken by the Alarm function
            if(alarmOn != IsAlarmOn())
                alarmOn = false;
                Sound( TSTANDARD, VHIGH, SLOW, SMEDIUM, SHIGH, 0);  // 3 tones: wake from alarm beep
                GoodReadLed(GREEN_FLASH, 30*50);