Availability | All terminals |
Description | This function checks to see if a keystroke is available. |
Syntax | unsigned int kbhit( void ); |
Arguments | None |
Returns | When a keystroke is available, kbhit() returns a non-zero integer; zero is returned otherwise. |
Remarks |
Use the Idle() function when kbhit()
is used to wait for keyboard input. When a user wants to wait for a key press, it is advised to call ResetKey() first, in order to be sure that a previous key, still in the keyboard buffer, doesn't cause kbhit() to return TRUE. |
Example |
#include <stdio.h> #include "lib.h" void main( void ) { int color = GREEN; for(;;) { printf("\nPress any key"); ResetKey(); while(!kbhit()) Idle(); GoodReadLed(color, 50); // ON, 1 second color = (color == GREEN) ? RED : GREEN; } } |