Enum representing various direct input keys used for keyboard and barcode input.
This enum includes numeric, alphabetical (both upper and lower case), function keys, keyboard control keys, special characters, control characters, and other input codes.
The lowercase letter a.
The lowercase letter b.
The lowercase letter c.
The lowercase letter d.
The lowercase letter e.
The lowercase letter f.
The lowercase letter g.
The lowercase letter h.
The lowercase letter i.
The lowercase letter j.
The lowercase letter k.
The lowercase letter l.
The lowercase letter m.
The lowercase letter n.
The lowercase letter o.
The lowercase letter p.
The lowercase letter q.
The lowercase letter r.
The lowercase letter s.
The lowercase letter t.
The lowercase letter u.
The lowercase letter v.
The lowercase letter w.
The lowercase letter x.
The lowercase letter y.
The lowercase letter z.
Function key F1.
Function key F2.
Function key F3.
Function key F4.
Function key F5.
Function key F6.
Function key F7.
Function key F8.
Function key F9.
Function key F10.
Function key F11.
Function key F12.
The Return key.
The Enter key on the numeric keypad.
The Escape key.
The Down Arrow key.
The Right Arrow key.
The Left Arrow key.
The Left Shift key.
The Right Shift key.
The Right Control key.
The Divide key on the numeric keypad.
The Multiply key on the numeric keypad.
The Exclamation mark (!).
The Double Quote (").
The Single Quote (').
The Open Parenthesis (().
The Close Parenthesis ()).
The Greater Than symbol (>).
The Question Mark (?).
The Open Bracket ([).
The Close Bracket (]).
The Underscore (_).
The Open Brace ({).
The Close Brace (}).
Escape (ESC).
Identifies the code type.
Identifies the ISO code.
Identifies the BT code.
Specifies a 2-digit code length.
Specifies a 6-digit code length.
Represents the read direction of the input.
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.