interface EAN8
Interface representing settings for EAN-8 symbology.
This interface provides methods to enable or disable the transmission of check digits, and to manage add-on settings for EAN-8 symbology.
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Sets the 2-character add-on for EAN-8 symbology.
abstract fun setAddOnPlus2(deviceId: String, enabled: Boolean, callback: (Result<CommandResponse>) -> Unit)
Callback-based version of setAddOnPlus2 for Java interoperability.
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Sets the 5-character add-on for EAN-8 symbology.
abstract fun setAddOnPlus5(deviceId: String, enabled: Boolean, callback: (Result<CommandResponse>) -> Unit)
Callback-based version of setAddOnPlus5 for Java interoperability.
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Sets the transmission of the check digit for EAN-8 symbology.
abstract fun setTransmitCD(deviceId: String, enabled: Boolean, callback: (Result<CommandResponse>) -> Unit)
Callback-based version of setTransmitCD for Java interoperability.