set Korean Postal Orientation
abstract suspend fun setKoreanPostalOrientation(deviceId: String, setUpsideDown: Boolean): CommandResponse
Sets the orientation of the scan engine for Korean Postal Authority Code symbology.
A CommandResponse indicating the success or failure of the operation.
device Id
The identifier of the target device.
set Upside Down
A boolean indicating whether to set the orientation to upside-down (true) or normal (false).
abstract fun setKoreanPostalOrientation(deviceId: String, setUpsideDown: Boolean, callback: (Result<CommandResponse>) -> Unit)
Callback-based version of setKoreanPostalOrientation for Java interoperability.
device Id
The identifier of the target device.
set Upside Down
A boolean indicating whether to set the orientation to upside-down or normal.
Callback to receive CommandResponse.