
interface UKPlessey

Interface representing settings for UK Plessey symbology.

This interface provides methods to configure check digit transmission and space insertion for UK Plessey symbology.


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abstract suspend fun setAToXConversion(deviceId: String, enabled: Boolean): CommandResponse

Sets the A to X conversion for UK Plessey symbology.

abstract fun setAToXConversion(deviceId: String, enabled: Boolean, callback: (Result<CommandResponse>) -> Unit)

Callback-based version of setAToXConversion for Java interoperability.

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abstract suspend fun setSpaceInsertion(deviceId: String, enabled: Boolean): CommandResponse

Sets space insertion between characters for UK Plessey symbology.

abstract fun setSpaceInsertion(deviceId: String, enabled: Boolean, callback: (Result<CommandResponse>) -> Unit)

Callback-based version of setSpaceInsertion for Java interoperability.

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abstract suspend fun setTransmitCDs(deviceId: String, enabled: Boolean): CommandResponse

Sets the transmission of check digits for UK Plessey symbology.

abstract fun setTransmitCDs(deviceId: String, enabled: Boolean, callback: (Result<CommandResponse>) -> Unit)

Callback-based version of setTransmitCDs for Java interoperability.