Interface defining methods for configuring scan options such as read modes, illumination, and barcode settings.
Provides both coroutine-based suspend functions for Kotlin and callback-based methods for Java interoperability.
Toggles the delete key feature for the scanner based on the enabled flag.
Callback-based version of setDeleteKey for Java interoperability.
Sets the illumination mode for the scanner.
Callback-based version of setIlluminationMode for Java interoperability.
Sets the mode for reading positive and negative barcodes.
Callback-based version of setPositiveAndNegativeBarcodesMode for Java interoperability.
Sets the read mode for the scanner.
Callback-based version of setReadMode for Java interoperability.
Sets the read time for the scanner.
Callback-based version of setReadTime for Java interoperability.
Toggles the trigger repeat feature for the scanner based on the enabled flag.
Callback-based version of setTriggerRepeat for Java interoperability.