DirectInputKey enum

Enum representing various direct input keys used for keyboard and barcode input.

This enum includes numeric, alphabetical (both upper and lower case), function keys, keyboard control keys, special characters, control characters, and other input codes.





digit0 → const DirectInputKey

The numeric digit 0.

digit1 → const DirectInputKey

The numeric digit 1.

digit2 → const DirectInputKey

The numeric digit 2.

digit3 → const DirectInputKey

The numeric digit 3.

digit4 → const DirectInputKey

The numeric digit 4.

digit5 → const DirectInputKey

The numeric digit 5.

digit6 → const DirectInputKey

The numeric digit 6.

digit7 → const DirectInputKey

The numeric digit 7.

digit8 → const DirectInputKey

The numeric digit 8.

digit9 → const DirectInputKey

The numeric digit 9.

letterA → const DirectInputKey

The uppercase letter A.

letterB → const DirectInputKey

The uppercase letter B.

letterC → const DirectInputKey

The uppercase letter C.

letterD → const DirectInputKey

The uppercase letter D.

letterE → const DirectInputKey

The uppercase letter E.

letterF → const DirectInputKey

The uppercase letter F.

letterG → const DirectInputKey

The uppercase letter G.

letterH → const DirectInputKey

The uppercase letter H.

letterI → const DirectInputKey

The uppercase letter I.

letterJ → const DirectInputKey

The uppercase letter J.

letterK → const DirectInputKey

The uppercase letter K.

letterL → const DirectInputKey

The uppercase letter L.

letterM → const DirectInputKey

The uppercase letter M.

letterN → const DirectInputKey

The uppercase letter N.

letterO → const DirectInputKey

The uppercase letter O.

letterP → const DirectInputKey

The uppercase letter P.

letterQ → const DirectInputKey

The uppercase letter Q.

letterR → const DirectInputKey

The uppercase letter R.

letterS → const DirectInputKey

The uppercase letter S.

letterT → const DirectInputKey

The uppercase letter T.

letterU → const DirectInputKey

The uppercase letter U.

letterV → const DirectInputKey

The uppercase letter V.

letterW → const DirectInputKey

The uppercase letter W.

letterX → const DirectInputKey

The uppercase letter X.

letterY → const DirectInputKey

The uppercase letter Y.

letterZ → const DirectInputKey

The uppercase letter Z.

lettera → const DirectInputKey

The lowercase letter a.

letterb → const DirectInputKey

The lowercase letter b.

letterc → const DirectInputKey

The lowercase letter c.

letterd → const DirectInputKey

The lowercase letter d.

lettere → const DirectInputKey

The lowercase letter e.

letterf → const DirectInputKey

The lowercase letter f.

letterg → const DirectInputKey

The lowercase letter g.

letterh → const DirectInputKey

The lowercase letter h.

letteri → const DirectInputKey

The lowercase letter i.

letterj → const DirectInputKey

The lowercase letter j.

letterk → const DirectInputKey

The lowercase letter k.

letterl → const DirectInputKey

The lowercase letter l.

letterm → const DirectInputKey

The lowercase letter m.

lettern → const DirectInputKey

The lowercase letter n.

lettero → const DirectInputKey

The lowercase letter o.

letterp → const DirectInputKey

The lowercase letter p.

letterq → const DirectInputKey

The lowercase letter q.

letterr → const DirectInputKey

The lowercase letter r.

letters → const DirectInputKey

The lowercase letter s.

lettert → const DirectInputKey

The lowercase letter t.

letteru → const DirectInputKey

The lowercase letter u.

letterv → const DirectInputKey

The lowercase letter v.

letterw → const DirectInputKey

The lowercase letter w.

letterx → const DirectInputKey

The lowercase letter x.

lettery → const DirectInputKey

The lowercase letter y.

letterz → const DirectInputKey

The lowercase letter z.

functionF1 → const DirectInputKey

Function key F1.

functionF2 → const DirectInputKey

Function key F2.

functionF3 → const DirectInputKey

Function key F3.

functionF4 → const DirectInputKey

Function key F4.

functionF5 → const DirectInputKey

Function key F5.

functionF6 → const DirectInputKey

Function key F6.

functionF7 → const DirectInputKey

Function key F7.

functionF8 → const DirectInputKey

Function key F8.

functionF9 → const DirectInputKey

Function key F9.

functionF10 → const DirectInputKey

Function key F10.

functionF11 → const DirectInputKey

Function key F11.

functionF12 → const DirectInputKey

Function key F12.

backspace → const DirectInputKey

The Backspace key.

tab → const DirectInputKey

The Tab key.

returnKey → const DirectInputKey

The Return key.

enterNumericKeypad → const DirectInputKey

The Enter key on the numeric keypad.

escapeKey → const DirectInputKey

The Escape key.

arrowDown → const DirectInputKey

The Down Arrow key.

arrowUp → const DirectInputKey

The Up Arrow key.

arrowRight → const DirectInputKey

The Right Arrow key.

arrowLeft → const DirectInputKey

The Left Arrow key.

del → const DirectInputKey

The Delete key.

insert → const DirectInputKey

The Insert key.

home → const DirectInputKey

The Home key.

end → const DirectInputKey

The End key.

pageUp → const DirectInputKey

The Page Up key.

pageDown → const DirectInputKey

The Page Down key.

leftShift → const DirectInputKey

The Left Shift key.

rightShift → const DirectInputKey

The Right Shift key.

leftCtrl → const DirectInputKey

The Left Control key.

rightCtrl → const DirectInputKey

The Right Control key.

leftAlt → const DirectInputKey

The Left Alt key.

rightAlt → const DirectInputKey

The Right Alt key.

leftGUI → const DirectInputKey

The Left GUI (Windows/Command) key.

rightGUI → const DirectInputKey

The Right GUI (Windows/Command) key.

capsLock → const DirectInputKey

The Caps Lock key.

numMinus → const DirectInputKey

The Minus key on the numeric keypad.

numDivide → const DirectInputKey

The Divide key on the numeric keypad.

numMultiply → const DirectInputKey

The Multiply key on the numeric keypad.

numPlus → const DirectInputKey

The Plus key on the numeric keypad.

numDot → const DirectInputKey

The Dot (Decimal) key on the numeric keypad.

space → const DirectInputKey

The Space key.

exclamation → const DirectInputKey

The Exclamation mark (!).

doubleQuote → const DirectInputKey

The Double Quote (").

hash → const DirectInputKey

The Hash symbol (#).

dollar → const DirectInputKey

The Dollar sign ($).

percent → const DirectInputKey

The Percent symbol (%).

ampersand → const DirectInputKey

The Ampersand (&).

singleQuote → const DirectInputKey

The Single Quote (').

openParen → const DirectInputKey

The Open Parenthesis (().

closeParen → const DirectInputKey

The Close Parenthesis ()).

asterisk → const DirectInputKey

The Asterisk (*).

plus → const DirectInputKey

The Plus symbol (+).

comma → const DirectInputKey

The Comma (,).

minus → const DirectInputKey

The Minus symbol (-).

period → const DirectInputKey

The Period or Dot (.).

slash → const DirectInputKey

The Slash (/).

colon → const DirectInputKey

The Colon (:).

semicolon → const DirectInputKey

The Semicolon (;).

lessThan → const DirectInputKey

The Less Than symbol (<).

equal → const DirectInputKey

The Equal sign (=).

greaterThan → const DirectInputKey

The Greater Than symbol (>).

questionMark → const DirectInputKey

The Question Mark (?).

atSymbol → const DirectInputKey

The At symbol (@).

openBracket → const DirectInputKey

The Open Bracket ([).

backslash → const DirectInputKey

The Backslash ().

closeBracket → const DirectInputKey

The Close Bracket (]).

caret → const DirectInputKey

The Caret (^).

underscore → const DirectInputKey

The Underscore (_).

backtick → const DirectInputKey

The Backtick (`).

openBrace → const DirectInputKey

The Open Brace ({).

pipe → const DirectInputKey

The Pipe (|).

closeBrace → const DirectInputKey

The Close Brace (}).

tilde → const DirectInputKey

The Tilde (~).

nullChar → const DirectInputKey

The Null character (NUL).

soh → const DirectInputKey

Start of Header (SOH).

stx → const DirectInputKey

Start of Text (STX).

etx → const DirectInputKey

End of Text (ETX).

eot → const DirectInputKey

End of Transmission (EOT).

enq → const DirectInputKey

Enquiry (ENQ).

ack → const DirectInputKey

Acknowledge (ACK).

bel → const DirectInputKey

Bell (BEL).

bs → const DirectInputKey

Backspace (BS).

ht → const DirectInputKey

Horizontal Tab (HT).

lf → const DirectInputKey

Line Feed (LF).

vt → const DirectInputKey

Vertical Tab (VT).

ff → const DirectInputKey

Form Feed (FF).

cr → const DirectInputKey

Carriage Return (CR).

so → const DirectInputKey

Shift Out (SO).

si → const DirectInputKey

Shift In (SI).

dle → const DirectInputKey

Data Link Escape (DLE).

dc1 → const DirectInputKey

Device Control 1 (DC1).

dc2 → const DirectInputKey

Device Control 2 (DC2).

dc3 → const DirectInputKey

Device Control 3 (DC3).

dc4 → const DirectInputKey

Device Control 4 (DC4).

nak → const DirectInputKey

Negative Acknowledge (NAK).

syn → const DirectInputKey

Synchronous Idle (SYN).

etb → const DirectInputKey

End of Transmission Block (ETB).

can → const DirectInputKey

Cancel (CAN).

em → const DirectInputKey

End of Medium (EM).

sub → const DirectInputKey

Substitute (SUB).

escapeChar → const DirectInputKey

Escape (ESC).

fs → const DirectInputKey

File Separator (FS).

gs → const DirectInputKey

Group Separator (GS).

rs → const DirectInputKey

Record Separator (RS).

us → const DirectInputKey

Unit Separator (US).

delAscii → const DirectInputKey

Delete (DEL).

codeIdentification → const DirectInputKey

Identifies the code type.

codeIdentificationISO → const DirectInputKey

Identifies the ISO code.

codeIdentificationBT → const DirectInputKey

Identifies the BT code.

codeLength2Digits → const DirectInputKey

Specifies a 2-digit code length.

codeLength6Digits → const DirectInputKey

Specifies a 6-digit code length.

readDirection → const DirectInputKey

Represents the read direction of the input.

timestamp → const DirectInputKey

Represents the timestamp of the input.


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
index int
A numeric identifier for the enumerated value.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


values → const List<DirectInputKey>
A constant List of the values in this enum, in order of their declaration.