
Availability All terminals
Description Function that executes menu labels from the Opticon Universal Menu Book as if they are executed by an Opticon barcode reader. This makes it easier to configure terminals without display like the OPN-2500 and OPN-6000.
Syntax int ExecuteMenuLabel( struct barcode *code );
struct barcode *code

First call ReadBarcode() until it returns OK. Then call this function with the returned barcode structure.
ENTERING_MENU_MODE Is returned when a SET/END menu label is passed and the terminal has entered menu mode.
EXITING_MENU_MODE Is returned when a SET/END menu label is passed and the terminal has exited menu mode.
INVALID_OPTION_READ A not supported/invalid menu label was passed.
VALID_OPTION_READ A valid menu label was passed and executed.
LABEL_IGNORED A menu label was passed without having read the SET/END label first.
ERROR A menu label was read while not in menu book mode.
Remarks To avoid losing any menu configurations after a restart, use SystemSettingsMemorizing().

// This program reads menu labels from the Universal Menu Book and executes them.

#include <stdio.h>
#include "lib.h"

void main( void )
    char bcr_buf[42] = {0};
    struct barcode code  = {0};
    int result;

    code.min   = 1;
    code.max   = 41;
    code.text  = bcr_buf;

    // The following function will try to restore system settings from flash memory and will cause
    // system settings to be stored in flash memory when 'SystemSetting("Z2")' is called.
    if(SystemSettingsMemorizing(ON) < 0)
        SystemSetting("C01");               // If no old settings were found -> Reset to default

    SystemSetting("YC");                   // Make sure menu labels are always enabled after a restart

    ScannerPower(TRIGGER | SINGLE, 250);    // Trigger mode, 5 seconds read time, scanner off after 1 barcode

        if(ReadBarcode(&code) == OK)
            result = 0;

            if(code.id == MENU_CODE)
                ScannerPower(ON, -1);        // Scanner on indefinitely

                while(result != EXITING_MENU_MODE && result != ERROR)
                    if(result == 0 || ReadBarcode(&code) == OK)
                       switch( (result=ExecuteMenuLabel(&code)) )
                           case ENTERING_MENU_MODE:
                               Sound(TSTANDARD, VHIGH, SHIGH, SMEDIUM, SHIGH, 0);

                           case EXITING_MENU_MODE:
                               ScannerPower(OFF, 0);
                               Sound(TSTANDARD,VHIGH, SHIGH, SMEDIUM, SHIGH, 0);
                               Delay(TSTANDARD * 4);        // Wait till buzzer sound ends before saving (saving flash settings temp. turns of sound timer)
                               SystemSetting("Z2");         // Save changed settings in flash memory

                               while(TriggerPressed())      // Wait for release before resetting read mode

                               ScannerPower(TRIGGER | SINGLE, 250);  // Reset read mode, because it's turned off after reading menu labels

                           case INVALID_OPTION_READ:
                               Sound(TLONG, VHIGH, SLOW, 0);

                           case VALID_OPTION_READ:
                               Sound(TSTANDARD, VHIGH, SHIGH, SMEDIUM, SHIGH,0);

                           case LABEL_IGNORED:

                           case ERROR:
                               ScannerPower(OFF, 0);

                               while(TriggerPressed())      // Wait for release before resetting read mode

                               ScannerPower(TRIGGER | SINGLE, 250);  // Reset read mode, because it's turned off after reading menu labels
            else if (code.id == MENU_CODE_PDF || code.id == MENU_CODE_C128 || code.id == MENU_CODE_QR || code.id == MENU_CODE_AZTEC)        // Check for Code-128 / PDF417 / QR / Aztec menu labels)
                switch ((result = ExecuteMenuLabel(&code)))
                    case INVALID_OPTION_READ:
                        Sound(TLONG, VHIGH, SLOW, 0);

                    case VALID_OPTION_READ:
                        Sound(TSTANDARD, VHIGH, SMEDIUM, SHIGH, SMEDIUM, SHIGH, 0);
                        Delay(TSTANDARD * 4);        // Wait till buzzer sound ends before saving (saving flash settings temp. turns of sound timer)
                        SystemSetting("Z2");         // Save changed settings in flash memory
                GoodReadLed(GREEN, 10);
                Sound( TSTANDARD, VHIGH, SMEDIUM, SHIGH, 0);
