
Availability All terminals
Description This function makes it possible to store and restore system settings, like decoder options, using non-volatile flash memory, so those settings won't be lost after a restart or after the battery has fully drained.
Syntax int SystemSettingsMemorizing( int on_off );
int on_off

If ON, this fuction will restore the systems settings from flash and will cause them to be stored in flash when SystemSetting("Z2") is called.
If OFF, then no system settings will be restored from or stored in flash.
OK System setting memorizing enabled. Old settings were found in flash and have been succesfully restored.
<0 System setting memorizing enabled, but no (or incompatible) system settings were found.
Remarks - System settings are not automatically stored after calling SystemSettingsMemorizing() or SystemSetting(). To store any changed system settings use SystemSetting("Z2") to store them in flash memory.
- Don't store your settings in a loop, because flash memory can only be written about 100,000 times.
- To store application variables in flash memory use ApplicationSettingsMemorizing().

// This program executes menu labels from the Universal Menu Book and saves changed settings in flash

#include <stdio.h>
#include "lib.h"

void main( void )
    char bcr_buf[42] = {0};
    struct barcode code  = {0};
    int result;

    code.min   = 1;
    code.max   = 41;
    code.text  = bcr_buf;

    // The following function will try to restore system settings from flash memory and will cause
    // system settings to be stored in flash memory when 'SystemSetting("Z2")' is called.
    if(SystemSettingsMemorizing(ON) < 0)
        SystemSetting("U2");               // If no old settings were found -> Reset to default

    SystemSetting("YC");                   // Make sure menu labels are always enabled after a restart

    ScannerPower(TRIGGER | SINGLE, 250);   // Trigger mode, 5 seconds read time, scanner off after 1 barcode

        if(ReadBarcode(&code) == OK)
            result = 0;

            if( == MENU_CODE)
                ScannerPower(ON, -1);        // Scanner on indefinitely

                while(result != EXITING_MENU_MODE && result != ERROR)
                    if(result == 0 || ReadBarcode(&code) == OK)
                       switch( (result=ExecuteMenuLabel(&code)) )
                           case ENTERING_MENU_MODE:
                               Sound(TSTANDARD, VHIGH, SHIGH, SMEDIUM, SHIGH, 0);

                           case EXITING_MENU_MODE:
                               ScannerPower(OFF, 0);
                               Sound(TSTANDARD,VHIGH, SHIGH, SMEDIUM, SHIGH, 0);
                               Delay(TSTANDARD * 4);        // Wait till buzzer sound ends before saving (saving flash settings temp. turns of sound timer)
                               SystemSetting("Z2");         // Save changed settings in flash memory

                               while(TriggerPressed())      // Wait for release before resetting read mode

                               ScannerPower(TRIGGER | SINGLE, 250);  // Reset read mode, because it's turned off after reading menu labels

                           case INVALID_OPTION_READ:
                               Sound(TLONG, VHIGH, SLOW, 0);

                           case VALID_OPTION_READ:
                               Sound(TSTANDARD, VHIGH, SHIGH, SMEDIUM, SHIGH,0);

                           case LABEL_IGNORED:

                           case ERROR:
                               ScannerPower(OFF, 0);

                               while(TriggerPressed())      // Wait for release before resetting read mode

                               ScannerPower(TRIGGER | SINGLE, 250);  // Reset read mode, because it's turned off after reading menu labels


        Idle();        // Reduces power consumption