Availability | All terminals |
Description | This function changes the OPN's Bluetooth name and stores it in flash memory. |
Syntax | void SetBltLocalName( const char *localname ); |
Arguments |
const char *localnamelocalname is the name that is stored in flash and shown when another Bluetooth device discovers the OPN. The maximum size of localname is 18 characters. |
Returns | None |
Remarks |
- GetBltLocalName() retrieves the Bluetooth name. - When the name is changed, then a remote Bluetooth device will receive the new name when the device becames discoverable again. - Cashing mechanisms in the remote device could cause name changes to not be reflected immediately. |
Example |
#include <stdio.h> #include "lib.h" void main( void ) { for(;;) { printf("\nLocal name: %s", GetBltLocalName()); ResetKey(); while( !kbhit() ) Idle(); SetBltLocalName(MODEL_NAME"_EXAMPLE"); } } |