
interface ScannerSettings

Interface representing the scanner settings for Opticon BLE scanners.

This interface provides access to various settings, including symbology options, indicator configurations, and methods for sending commands to the scanner.


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Provides access to the settings of individual barcode symbologies.

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Settings to manage the connection pool settings of scanners.

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abstract val formatting: Formatting

Provides access to the formatting settings for barcode data, such as prefix, suffix, preamble and postamble.

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abstract val indicator: Indicator

Provides access to the indicator settings, such as buzzer and LED configurations.

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abstract val readOptions: ReadOptions

Settings related to scanning options such as trigger modes.

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abstract val symbology: Symbology

Provides access to the barcode symbology settings.


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abstract suspend fun executeCommand(deviceId: String, command: ScannerCommand): CommandResponse

Sends a command to the connected BLE device.

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abstract suspend fun getSettings(deviceId: String): List<CommandData>

Retrieves the current scanner settings from the connected BLE device.

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abstract suspend fun resetSettings(deviceId: String): Boolean

Resets the scanner settings to their default values.